Locuri de munca: Constructii
- Persoana de contact: Marius
- Numar telefon: 07783532306
- Adăugat: 8 ianuarie 2018 6:38 PM
Pentru a aplica pt posturile de mai jos sunt doua cerinte vitale, SERIOZITATE maxima si cunoasterea MESERIEI.
4 labourers at 90 pounds per day
4 ground-workers at 120+ (depending on experience)
Required skills for ground-workers:
– to be able to lay at least two of the following: pipes, manholes, minimum of brickwork, kerbs paving and slabs, form-work for slabs lift pits
– a team player, willing to work and to be respectful
1 working supervisor at 180+ (depending on experience)
2 digger drivers at 150+ (depending on experience) with minimum of 5 years of experience
Pentru mai multe detalii, va rog sa sunati direct la numarul de telefon 077 8353 2306, cu posibilitatea de a incepe munca de Luni.